I am Karolina,

Junior Web Developer

Picture of Karolina Picture of Karolina

About Me

My name is Karolina Mueller. I am originally from Poland but I moved to USA in 2008 after graduating from Poznan University of Economics. At the moment, I am a stay at home mom, but in my free time I have been studying programming with Codecademy. Currently, I am learning Front-End Engineer career path and after finishing it I plan to enroll in the back-end course. I have been really enjoying learning new programming skills and completing projects along the way. Every day I find myself looking forward to doing more coding and expanding my knowledge. Programming has become my passion!

Would you like to learn a word or two in Polish? Feel free to press the button!!!


Some of the projects I completed in the Front-End Engineer path from Codecademy. Can't wait to add more!

Screenshot of Style Guide project
Screenshot of Tea Cozy project
Screenshot of a company website project
Picture of DNA for a project
Screenshot of PianoPlayer project





